
  • G. Bajor, A. Cichocka, M. Ziembowski, Lie nilpotence of the commutative core of a Leavitt path algebra, (submitted).
  • G. Bajor, M. Ziembowski, On maximal commutative subalgebras of prime Leavitt path algebra, (submitted).
  • G. Bajor, M. Ziembowski, An annihilator condition on Leavitt path algebras, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen,
  • G. Bajor, M. Ziembowski, Annihilator condition does not pass to polynomials and power series, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra,


  • G. Bajor, On maximal commutative subalgebras of Leavitt path algebra, Noncommutative rings and their Applications VI, Lens 2019.
  • G. Bajor, Algebraiczne własności algebr ścieżek Leavitta, VII Interdyscyplinarne Warsztaty Matematyczno-Informatyczne, Będlewo 2019.